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Nigeria Curling Federation

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Nigeria Curling Federation

NIGERIA CURLING FEDERATION was formed following the request by Miss Sheila Daniel in 2017, then 12 years old, she walked up to her Dad & Mum, Mr. Daniel and Mrs. H. Daniel and she said, "please could you both come watch me play curling, if you find it interesting please take the sport to Nigeria". She ensured that she followed that up with her parents to see that Nigeria Curling federation was established in Nigeria.

Thereafter Mr. and Mrs. Daniel passed the details to their privately owned company SRHD SPORTS MANAGEMENT LIMITED, registered in Nigeria, the company handled the process and formed the Curling Federation in Nigeria.

The highly successful team of SRHD SPORTS MANAGEMENT LIMITED committed to service in all spheres of sport and entertainment environment through the  recognition by the Nigerian Olympic Committee (NOC) whom has made this dream a reality for the Nigerian Youth and the Country at large for this New Federation to come to live.

In view of the growing revitalization of age group sporting activities in Nigeria complimenting a vibrant entertainment industry, we have taken the next step that will only bring the best to the Nigerian audience. After a careful research on improving Sport and entertainment polity in Nigeria, we ventured into the ice Sport arena (which has been a major challenge spot in Nigeria where there has never been a drop of snow).

Nigeria Curling Federation is the controlling body of Ice Curling, Wheel Chair Curling, Floor Curling, Table Curling and Street Curling in Nigeria.

Year Established
Daniel Damola
Daniel Damola

The President who’s Company SRHD SPORTS founded by him alongside the Secretary General have been working effortlessly on the Project to introduce the Curling Sport to the Nigerian Population by promoting and organizing Championships across the Country. They both speak fluent English, Czech Language, German and a few Nigerian Languages.

The President is well known in the world of Sports Management and event organizing. He is a philanthropist in all ramification with a vast knowledge in Sports administration, a multilingual. he is internationally connected to important personalities in the Sporting world and international institutions globally which has made it possible for him to greatly and positively impact and assist lots of young sports men and women in their respective careers also working with his foreign partners globally to accomplish the mission for athletes. He is popularly called Strongest man.

Secretary General
Henrietta O. Daniel
Henrietta O. Daniel