Judges will adjudicate each Drumlines Standstill field performance based on a 100-point scale allocated as follows:
40 points Execution
30 points Repertoire
30 points Performance Effectiveness
The sum of the Judges scores will be divided by the number of Judges to determine the average Raw Score.
Penalty deductions will be assessed to the Raw Score resulting in a Net Score.
The Drumlines will be ranked from highest Net Score to lowest Net Score
In the event of a tie:
(a) First tie-breaker will be determined by ranking the drumlines based upon the average of the execution score.
(b) Second tie-breaker will be determined by ranking the drumlines based upon the average of the Performance Effectiveness Score.
(c) Third tie-breaker will be determined by ranking the drumlines based upon the average of the Repertoire Score or Compulsory Score.
(d) Fourth tiebreaker will be based on the lower amount of penalty deductions.
(e) In the event drumlines are tied after four tiebreakers, the position will be declared a draw and each drumline will share the position.