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  1. Performance times 

    (i) Drumline Battle units shall be in performance with their complete competing personnel not less than 90 seconds nor more than 2 minutes. 

    (ii) Live Drumline Battle events will consist of two performance rounds per battle 

    (iii) Units will be scheduled to compete at fifteen (15) minute intervals. The unit will not be able to enter the stage before their scheduled time and must exit the stage immediately following the battle with no delay.

    Any unit creating a delay in the 15-minute schedule will be subject to a penalty which will be determined by the event director. 

    The time schedule may be expanded or be lessened at the option of the event director. However, only if all participating units can be guaranteed the same amount of time. 

  2. Timing and Evaluation 

    (i) Timing of the 2 minute performance block will begin at the announcer’s signal 

    (ii) Evaluation of the performance will start with the first step of a member of the unit or with the first note of music, whichever occurs first. 

    (iii) Timing and evaluation will cease with the last note of music played by any performer on the performance stage. 

    (iv)Timing regulations have been set to encourage fast paced and exciting battles. While participating units may not necessarily be punished for performing slightly shorter or longer than required, each Drumline Battle routine should strive to be within 90 seconds to 2 minutes. 

    (v) Any unit who blatantly disregards the time length of the performance block may be subject to disqualification by the event director. 

  3. Entry to the performance area 

    (i) During performance participating bands must avoid distracting the band performing on the stage, bands should refrain from creating sound as they are entering the stage area including in the hallway that may lead to the stage. 

    (ii) Members of the unit may set-up anywhere in their designated battle zone prior to the commencement of timing and evaluation. 

    (iii) Drumline Battle units may need to manage venue logistics or obstacles relative to transportation and setup of props and equipment. Every effort will be made to communicate known / expected challenges no less than seven days prior to event. 

  4. Stage exit 

    (i) When leaving the performance area, unit members must depart as directed by event staff. 

    (ii) Once a unit’s performance concludes, they must proceed from the performance area without delay or further performance. 

    (iii) The event director may, at his/her option, provide opportunities for audience interaction following a performance at a given venue. 

  5. Stage conduct – boundaries 

    (i) All musical instruments and implements must be placed within the performance area. Musical instruments that are outside of the performance area may not be played before or during the unit’s performance. 

    (ii) Additionally, any equipment must also be placed within the performance area. 

    (iii) All performers and equipment must remain within their designated 12 meter by 12 meter battle zone for the duration of the Battle. Crossing into or placing equipment on the neutral zone is not permitted, as is extending past the sidelines or back of the battle zone. 

    (iv) If any equipment accidentally leaves the performance area, the equipment may be retrieved by any member of the unit. 

    (v) All grounded or dropped equipment must be retrieved before the unit leaves the performance area.